10 Reasons to Stay Sober

Whether prompted by health, relationships or personal growth, the journey to recovery from addiction can be profoundly transformative. For many, the road isn’t easy, but the rewards of sobriety go far beyond the absence of substances. Here’s a closer look at why becoming sober and staying committed to sobriety is worth every effort. Acknowledging and… Continue reading 10 Reasons to Stay Sober

Cancer drug shows promise for treating rare bleeding disorder

And they can help plan healthy joint activities to ensure that there are good days. A closer look at clinicians highlights the necessity that the process of designing efficient interventions and addiction treatment systems should include visibility and justification of the underlying general concepts of addiction. Using strength-based approaches potentially saves resources and increases acceptance.… Continue reading Cancer drug shows promise for treating rare bleeding disorder

Drug addiction substance use disorder Diagnosis and treatment

These are the key investments needed to stop fentanyl from reaching our communities. The most effective treatments for opioid use disorder include the combined use of medication opioid addiction treatment and behavioral treatment. These treatments are routinely provided on an outpatient basis, including primary care or at federally regulated opioid treatment programs. Opioid Withdrawal Treatment… Continue reading Drug addiction substance use disorder Diagnosis and treatment

How Long Does Alcohol Stay on Your Breath? Find Out Here

No one should assume the information provided on Addiction Resource as authoritative and should always defer to the advice and care provided by a medical doctor. However, faster elimination rates in long-term drinkers do not mean that alcohol does less harm to their bodies. Chronic drinking can lead to serious health issues, including liver disease,… Continue reading How Long Does Alcohol Stay on Your Breath? Find Out Here

Signs of Alcoholism in Women Signs of Alcoholism the Face

Alcohol abuse in a woman is defined as consuming more than the recommended amount on a regular basis or drinking in ways that lead to physical and/or emotional consequences. When a woman engages in a pattern of excessive drinking, signs of alcohol abuse can become clear. If she continues to drink, she’s at risk of… Continue reading Signs of Alcoholism in Women Signs of Alcoholism the Face

How Does Increased Alcohol Tolerance Affect a Person?

But if a person regularly drinks while playing darts, they may experience no alcohol-related impairment because of their learned tolerance. But when we drink in a new environment – such as going to the pub for the first time in six months – the compensatory response is not activated, making us more prone to experiencing… Continue reading How Does Increased Alcohol Tolerance Affect a Person?

Alcohol Shakes & Tremors: When Do I Need Professional Help?

When a person stops drinking alcohol, they may experience nervous system effects such as tremors. While alcoholic shakes may be a common condition for those struggling with alcohol addiction or long-term alcohol use, they’re not something to be taken lightly. When the suppressing effect of alcohol is suddenly reduced or removed, your brain’s hyperactive state… Continue reading Alcohol Shakes & Tremors: When Do I Need Professional Help?

How Long Does MDMA Stay In Your System? Alina Lodge: Drug & Alcohol Rehab NJ

If you take more than one dose, your body will take longer to process all of these chemicals. This means the drug can stay in your system even after the effects have worn off. Call us at today to talk about your options for treating ecstasy addiction. Our admissions staff can help you learn more… Continue reading How Long Does MDMA Stay In Your System? Alina Lodge: Drug & Alcohol Rehab NJ