Iodine Supplementation Guide

bromide detox symptoms

If you are having iodine detox symptoms, you will feel better pretty quickly and begin to enjoy the salt. In some cases it is necessary to increase the salt above this dosing for periods of time as well as adjust iodine. Please consult a doctor (who is literate with iodine), or call my office, if you are interested in this or have questions about salt. It’s something that occurs in the body when toxins are being pushed out. Those who have the most issues are individuals with a  sluggish liver and/or kidney pathways and those with adrenal fatigue as well as low thyroid.

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But when we drink salt water, most of it will be absorbed into our blood stream just about instantly where it is essentially forced though bromide detox symptoms our organs. As we consume unrefined salt on our food, our body is able to pass any excess. But if we consume salt mixed with water, our body is forced to absorb more. This can come in handy for the right situations, but also carries the potential to cause offsets. BFR (brominated flame retardants) are manufactured products and are not naturally occurring.

Salt Loading for bromine detox

When starting to supplement and having some minor issues like headaches or joint pain, salt loading (1 tsp of salt in warm water) can assist. If it persists then more magnesium and Vit C often relieves the symptoms. If they continue after these two strategies have been tried then Pulse Dosing is the next line of defense. This is where the individual takes Iodine and the Supporting Nutrients (see the guide to supplementing) for a few days and then takes a few days off of the iodine only and continues to take the supporting nutrients.

Therefore it was replaced with bromine in the 1980s, and bromine continues to be used to this day. In conclusion, this case highlights the keen clinical acumen required to diagnose bromide toxicity when new-onset psychiatric symptoms present with hyperchloremia and a negative anion gap. Diagnosis is critical as toxicity may be completely reversible with cessation of bromide ingestion and medical management. Low amounts of thyroid hormones, which may occur if you are deficient in iodine can lead to various diseases of the liver. Similarly, low amounts of T3, a thyroid hormone made partially out of iodine, can lead to chronic kidney disease. For safety, we recommend that you have a spot iodine urine test done, even if you and your healthcare professionals think you have a perfectly healthy thyroid function.

Bromism in the Modern Day: Case Report and Canadian Review of Bromide Intoxication

One of the things that happens when individuals begin to take iodine is bromide detox. This is the point where most stop taking iodine because they don’t understand what is happening  and mistake it for iodine toxicity. At high concentration, iodine appears to tighten up the mitochondrial membrane, thereby preventing leakage of cytochrome C from the mitochondria, across the mitochondrial membrane into the cytosol (cytoplasm).

  1. Nervine is the name of a plant that had a positive impact on the nervous system, however the main ingredient in this product was bromide.
  2. Therefore it was replaced with bromine in the 1980s, and bromine continues to be used to this day.
  3. I have had a handful of people reach out to me from either the emergency room or with paramedics at their home due to a major electrolyte imbalance that caused them to have a reaction.
  4. Plus, I’m going over the best ways to get more iodine, because there are better options than just sprinkling some iodized salt on all your meals.
  5. Bromine, a strong oxidizing agent, acts as a respiratory irritant and results in pulmonary edema.

Swollen lymph nodes… Your body is fighting for you!

bromide detox symptoms

When skin is exposed to liquid bromine, it initially produces a cooling sensation followed by a burning feeling. But detoxing from caffeine, sugar and fatty foods can cause you to go through a few rough days before you feel energized. Gas and bloating are not detox symptoms that normally happen during a fast, but rather during a detox diet. If you are concerned about being iodine deficient, get your levels tested!

Bromine is something we are extremely commonly exposed to in today’s environments and diets. By reversing the competitive inhibition of the halogens — iodine supplementation will help the body excrete excess bromine. Salt, which provides a large amount of the chloride, can also help the body eliminate bromine. The revised IDHL (immediately dangerous to life or health consideration) is 3 ppm based on acute inhalation toxicity data in humans.

Detoxing stresses the body and this results in the adrenals having to deal with the added stress. If I don’t notice relief and do not urinate in minutes, my body may have needed the sodium, and used it for other processes instead of binding with bromine. But instead of depending on salt loading, I increase the amount of salt I intake on my food while possibly also reducing or pausing my iodine intake. Imo, salt loading should be reserved for bromine detox symptoms. There is a good chance a lot of our current thyroid hormones have been created with bromine instead of iodine.

Most people, if they do have an iodine allergy, are allergic to the iodine in radiological contrast dyes, not inorganic iodine or iodide, like in supplements. Iodine/iodide allergic people can usually be treated using the NeuroModulation Technique. Further, importantly, this text is not a recommendation to start taking Iodine at massive doses, despite the fact that some report benefit from this approach. The reason for such caution is, as usual, that our metabolisms are all different. That too makes a certain amount of sense, because Mercury is known to be able to block cortisol synthesis by acting as an oxidant and exerting stress on the anti-oxidant system. Further, several scientific reports point to widespread iodine deficiency, particularly in the UK and parts of Russia, pointing to the value of Iodine supplementation, at least in some cases.

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